Law Firm Alliance is Big News for Attorneys in Asia and Australia

In the legal profession, many partners decide to combine forces to deal with rapidly emerging markets. This could be due to a number of reasons – maybe a firm needs expertise in a complicated matter, or perhaps the added financial capital will allow for penetration in more diverse areas. Recently, several large law firms in Asia and Australia are mulling expansions of their business relationships to take advantage of the lucrative conditions in the Asian legal community.

The Wall Street Journal reported Australia’s Allens Arthur Robinson and the U.K. Magic Circle firm Linklaters recently announced a business alliance designed to establish dominance in shared resources in the Asian market.

“Arrangements will always be driven by our clients’ wishes — they want access to the best people and teams,” said Allens chief executive partner Michael Rose, according to the news source. “We believe our relationship with Linklaters will expand their options. Under this agreement clients will have access to the best expertise around the world through our extended teams and networks. In the next 20 years or so, the significant part of the world for growth is going to be Asia. Our clients are connecting Australia and Asia more than they ever have before.”

It is likely that these two firms will be looking for professionals that are experts in the intricacies of Asian law. Therefore, they will most likely be employing the assistance of Asia legal recruiting when searching for new employees. If you believe that you would classify as such a lawyer, contact a reliable attorney headhunter for the latest job postings and prerequisites for employment. These people can be instrumental in securing an interview or phone call, and this might be the difference between a successful application and a failed employment bid.

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